Thursday 2 March 2017


Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent.  Lent is a special time for us, as Catholics, to reflect on our lives, practice prayer, meditation and self-discipline in order to repent our sinful habits and bring ourselves into a closer relationship with God.  Traditionally, we give up a bad habit or deny ourselves a pleasure for the period of time leading up into Easter.  We also observe Ash Wednesday by marking our forehead with a cross of ashes, symbolizing repentance and our eventual return to the dust from which we came.  Students, staff and parents were all blessed with ashes during our liturgy yesterday.

As part of our Lenten observance, St. Clare has traditionally supported a charity or project each year.  This year, two charities have been chosen, one local and one international.  The local charity which will be supported by the funds raised tomorrow for Crazy Hat and Hair Day is Hair Donation Ottawa whose mandate is to raise funds for child and adult cancer research and to support kids with hair loss by providing them with good quality wigs free of charge.  A presentation by this organization is planned for next Monday for the students. The international project we are supporting is Hope Child Development Program in Kenya, whose mission is to provide support and care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, with a view of developing their full potential.  Funds collected will go towards safe housing, nourishing food, health care and school fees.  Volunteers from this project spoke to the children at our Ash Wednesday Liturgy yesterday.

We have a jar in the classroom for collection and they are invited to bring in coins any time during Lent.  To help encourage the children the Lenten Committee have a few special events planned for Fridays.

On our event days, a loonie or toonie would be greatly appreciated

 On March 3th, Crazy Hair and Hat Day

On March 10th, we will have a movie afternoon

On March 24th, the children will have a board games block (no electronics!)

On March 31th Twin Day

On  April 7th  Stuffed Animal Day

Other Notes:
*most students have completed at least one entry in their e-portfolios, have a look at their "Discovering Me" and read what they have written about themselves this year. You can look back at previous years and compare what they wanted to be then with their hopes now. You are also welcome to help them to add more information to their portfolio, but please don't let them delete work or ideas. Even if it is tempting to correct spelling or grammar, remember that it is a small snapshot of time in their lives, and should not be "fixed".

*Gr. 5 students have finished listening to the read-aloud "Hiding Edith", the true story of Edith Shwalb, who escaped and hid from the Nazi's during WWII. It was a very interesting story, and students were fascinated to learn that Edith is still alive today!

The Gr. 5 have now begun their Book Club novel study, and have completed Session 2. They all seem to be enjoying their novels and are really engaged in learning!

*The Gr. 4 students read all about a bug cafe, and the interesting menu it had! They are now working on designing their own Bug Menu, with a bug-themed menu item, a catchy slogan and an interesting restaurant name. Such creativity!

*in math, both groups continue to struggle with their times table facts, which would make the multiplication and upcoming division unit so much easier for them! We will be wrapping up multiplication and beginning division on Monday. Keep working on the facts!

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