Monday 22 May 2017

Happy Victoria Day!

I hope everyone enjoyed the Victoria Day long weekend!  The weather could have been a little more cooperative, but it was nice to have the extra day to catch up on some gardening!

Next week will be a short, but busy one.  The Gr. 6 students will be starting EQAO testing on Thursday, so all junior students will be staying in their homerooms for the day to accommodate the Gr. 6 schedule. This means I will not see the Gr. 4 students on Thursday this week, as well as on Monday and Thursday of next week.

Math - both groups will be working on personal time lines, in which they make a time line of their lives and add in important events (first tooth, learning to walk, starting Kindergarten) from their personal histories.  Grade 5 will also be required to add Canadian or global historical events to their timelines.  Grade 4 will need to estimate the time elapsed from birth to each event on their timeline; Gr. 5 will need to calculate to the nearest day where possible. We will later be posing Fermi questions to establish the relationship between years and decades, decades and centuries.  These two tasks will be the culminating tasks for our measurement unit.

Language: Grade 4 students are completing large posters demonstrating how actions can change the world for the better.  It is the follow-up to the Book Club unit we have just finished reading, which you can read about in their Hapara Workspace.  Each student was assigned to a book - either a novel or a non-fiction text, and had an assignment to complete each session with their group.  We are looking forward to hanging the posters in the hallway when they are completed!
     Grade 5 students have just completed a Vancouver and Burnaby Scavenger Hunt activity, learning how to read a map and follow transit routes around the cities of Vancouver and Burnaby, B.C.  They are now making their own "Scavenger Hunt" for another group to follow and find!  It was a lot of fun, finding our way around the sights and attractions of Vancouver!

Sunday 14 May 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Image result for happy mother's day free clip art
Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms!  We hope you enjoyed the sugar hand scrub that your child made for you, and the watercolour card they painted for you!  The recipe for the sugar hand scrub is:
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tbsp. melted coconut oil
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 drop food colouring
5-7 drops food flavouring (lemon, orange or mint)
Stir well to combine and scoop into a container.  It lasts well at room temperature for a couple of months.  (The scent gets stronger as the coconut oil hardens.)

Upcoming Events:
Next week is a fairly quiet week for us.  We will have a 35 min tennis lesson from Aaron Shaughnessy on Tuesday during 2nd block.  We will have a Faith Assembly on Wednesday afternoon. Friday is a PD day - there are no classes for students. 

Sunday 7 May 2017

May 8-12

We had a fantastic Catholic Education Week!  Thank you to the parents, grandparents and volu. teers who came out to help with and participate in the various activities of the week!
*On Monday, Mrs. Rayner's Grade 6 class made a 10 stop Kindness mission to Pay-It-Forward and thank various community helpers.  You can see the details of their stops on the school Twitter feed.  It was amazing! Our class read Barbara Reid books with our Gr. 1 reading buddies in Mrs. Fitzpatrick's class.
*On Tuesday, we celebrated a lovely Easter Mass with Fr. Matthew.  Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came to receive Communion with us.  In the afternoon, all of the junior students participated in Math/Science STEM challenges in their classrooms.  We flew paper airplanes with coin cargo, among other things, and had a great time!
*On Wednesday, the dance team participated in Dance Showcase, and everyone participated in the Principal's fundraiser - Zumbathon!  It was a blast!  Check Twitter for the pictures!
*On Thursday, everyone was invited to our muffin breakfast!  I hope you had the opportunity to see our recycled material Canada symbols that decorated the gym - our class made the Parliament Buildings.  Then, with the help of many parents and thanks to your generosity, the junior students made and donated almost 2 000 sandwiches, plus muffins, pastries and juice to the Shepherd's of Good Hope!  Mr. Leslie from the Shepherd's came to talk to the students about philanthropy, and helping others.  In the afternoon, we had a presentation from Louis Mercier, a very entertaining French singer/storyteller who had the audience of Junior students enthralled with his stories!
*On Friday, the students participated in French bingo as a school-wide activity over the intercom, and enjoyed Popcorn day!

Next week will be a little more low-key, back to our regular programming!  There is an Ultimate Frisbee tournament on Wednesday, good luck to the team!  Let's hope the rain lets up!

Our next math unit will be a short measurement unit on time, elapsed time, and units of time (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries).  Grade 4 must measure time on an analogue clock to the nearest minute; Grade 5 to the nearest second.  Both grades must be familiar with elapsed time.

In Language Arts, Gr. 5 will continue with the Sequencing unit by reading The Sword in the Stone as a shared reading.  Grade 4 are working on their novel studies in book club, and have completed Session 3.  We are really encouraging the collaboration and discussion within the groups of book club, so that they can learn not only from the text, but from each other and their individual interpretations of that text.